Regular Council meetings are every second Wednesday starting at 7:00pm at the Town Hall.
Anyone is welcomed to listen to the proceedings but anyone wishing to speak at a meeting must give the Town Clerk 48 hours notice and give a brief description on the points wishing to be discussed.
Any scheduled speaker will be given a maximum of 15 minutes to speak, unless there are three or more speakers at a meeting then the time is reduced to 10 minutes per speaker.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Town Office.
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Property Tax (Based on the assessed value of the property) 5.0 mils
Minimum Property Tax $ 475.00
Business Tax (Based on the assessed value of the property) 7.0 mils
Garbage Collection Fee $ 215.00
Minimum Business Tax $ 300.00
Poll Tax $ 175.00
Water Fee $ 154.00
Permits expire One Year after Issue Date
Construction valued under $1,000.00 $ 25.00
Construction valued over $1,000.00 $ 35.00
Construction – New Home $ 350.00
Permit Renewal $ 25.00
Tax Certificate $ 50.00
Compliance Letters $ 50.00
Occupancy Permits $ 25.00
10% discount for 2020 Property and Garbage Collection Fee Paid in Full by April 30th, 2020.
1.5% Interest per month on arrears, 2020 taxes are deemed to be arrears on May 29th, 2020.
Amanda Bennett
Town Clerk
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Residents are asked for their co-operation to comply with the following Town of Hughes Brook snow clearing regulations.
- Snow clearing regulations are in effect during the winter season each year up to April 30th.
- No person shall park an unattended vehicle upon any street reservation with the Town between 12 midnight and 8 o’clock Am where it may interfere with snow clearing for the Town.
- At any given time during a snow storm and for 12 hours thereafter, no person shall park an unattended vehicle on any street or street reservation within the Town.
- No person shall shovel or plow snow from a driveway or parking lot onto any street or street reservation within the Town. Any person who violates this particular regulation will be subject to a penalty imposed by the Town not exceeding $100 and in addition to this penalty the person will be charged a fee representing the amount paid by the Town to have the excess snow removed.
- Garbage boxes or other structures are to be set back from the street so as to not interfere with snow clearing operations. Any damage occurring to such objects which are not set back from the street and are not on personal property are not the responsibility of the Town.
- No person shall place snow in front or over a fire hydrant in the Town.
- Any person who violates any of these regulations shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a penalty imposed by the Town not exceeding $100.008) The Town assumes no responsibility for the clearing of driveways or removal of snow which is deposited in driveways in the course of snow clearing operations.
Adopted in a meeting held by Council on the 5thday of November, 2008.
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